Despite progress, violence against women is a global crisis.
1 in 3 women worldwide have experienced sexual assault or intimate partner violence. Source: World Health Organization
Globally, as many as 38% of female murders are committed by a male intimate partner. Source: World Health Organization
700 million women alive today were child brides. Source: UNICEF
79% of human trafficking victims are women and girls. Source: UN Office on Drugs and Crime

Legal barriers remain widespread.
1 in 4 countries have no law against domestic violence. Source: World Bank
More than 1 billion women globally lack legal protection against domestic sexual violence. Source: Women, Business and the Law
Nearly 1.4 billion women lack legal protection from domestic economic violence. Source: Women, Business and the Law
359 million women are not legally protected against sexual harassment in the workplace; 2.2 billion have no legal protection from harassment in public spaces. Source: World Bank
Even where the legal age of marriage is 18 or higher, 139 countries have exceptions allowing girls to marry, perpetuating the problem of child brides. Source: Women, Business and the Law

Legal barriers remain widespread.
1 in 4 countries have no law against domestic violence. Source: World Bank
More than 1 billion women globally lack legal protection against domestic sexual violence. Source: Women, Business and the Law
Nearly 1.4 billion women lack legal protection from domestic economic violence. Source: Women, Business and the Law
359 million women are not legally protected against sexual harassment in the workplace; 2.2 billion have no legal protection from harassment in public spaces. Source: World Bank
Even where the legal age of marriage is 18 or higher, 139 countries have exceptions allowing girls to marry, perpetuating the problem of child brides. Source: Women, Business and the Law
Every Woman Treaty


Every Woman Treaty
